5000 year old fridge

5000 year old Fridge found with food inside Shocking News! Click now to know more


Lagash Ruins, an ancient Sumerian center in Iran, made headlines recently when archaeologists discovered a 5000 year old fridge with food inside. This is a remarkable find and shows how advanced this civilization was for its time.

The ruins of the ancient cities Mohenjo-Daro, Harappa, and Pompeii provide a remarkable insight into the advanced culture that existed before ours. Through extensive archaeological analysis and research, we have been able to uncover evidence of certain distinct culinary vessels and attire, as well as other technology that continues to be utilized today. This further demonstrates the impressive level of sophistication achieved by these civilizations in their time.

An incredible archaeological excavation in the Lagash Ruins of Iran has recently unearthed a tavern that dates as far back as 5000 years ago, shedding new light on the distant past. This remarkable discovery offers an unprecedented look into the culture, lifestyle, and customs of people living at that time. It is a truly exciting find that could provide invaluable insight into our history and further our understanding of different cultures and civilizations. With more information expected to be revealed, this archaeological excavation is sure to create a stir amongst experts in the field!

Lagash Ruins In Iran

lagash ruins iran
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Telloh, formerly known as Lagash, is a significant archaeological site situated between the Euphrates and Tigris rivers. This place has played an integral role in Sumerian civilization and is one of the biggest sites of its kind in Iran. A slew of excavations are underway in the region, and it has been established that the city was originally formed around four marsh islands.

During Sumerian civilisation, this area used to be broken down into individual city-states each marked by a wall to protect it and dedicated to a particular god or goddess. Despite citizens holding the political power, they opted to have a figure of kingship due to continuous rivalry between the city-states.

The remarkable discoveries made by the University of Pisa and the University of Pennsylvania were the result of a joint research effort that used cutting-edge techniques like thermal imaging, micro-stratigraphic sampling, drone photography and magnetometry to unlock secrets hidden beneath the surface. These advanced tools and methods allowed them to uncover invaluable insights that would otherwise have remained hidden.

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5000 year old fridge oven etc.

Long ago, in the remains of the lost city of Lagesh, lies a communal eating area that was once used by the ancient Sumerian civilization. This area features a number of benches for seating and an oven for cooking, along with a clay refrigerator known as ‘zeer’ that was used to keep food cool in the hot desert climate.

In addition to the various bowls, vessels, and other items discovered by archaeologists, they also found animal & fish bones in some of them. This is clear evidence that the Sumerians were drinking beer like they had done for centuries before – a tradition that has continued ever since. Archaeologists have closely studied the artifacts found in an ancient site which has given us valuable insights into the lives of those who lived in cities more than 5000 years ago.

These artifacts provide a window into how their society functioned and how they lived, from their daily routines to the tools and technology they had access to. By exploring these artifacts, we gain a better understanding of our ancestors and their culture. Archaeological evidence found on the site suggests that it was likely a tavern in the past, as it was populated by people who came to eat, drink, and socialize.

Further examination and analysis of the remains further confirms this hypothesis – indicating that beer drinking was one of the activities that took place there.

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